Saturday 21 February 2009

Blog: The Motion Picture

Whats up Blogees?? This week has been a busy one. On Sunday there was the pub quiz, which we lost again, and then on Monday it was off to London to see Dave. I cooked us up some lovely turkey burgers and potato wedges, and Dave took care of the veg. We then settled down with some chockie bikkies to watch Flashbacks of a Fool, a little film staring Bond himself, Daniel Craig. It was not bad at all, a bit completely depressing, but there were some boobs so not all was bad. And some Daniel Craig bum to keep Dave happy.

On Tuesday I bought us into the best gym around and we pumped iron for nearly two hours. Totally gay, and totally awesome. Talking of gay, in the gym Dave had an admirer. This dude literally followed him around the whole time. Dave loved it. He's such a cock-tease. Just tell them you're straight and let them get on with their workouts. Later in the tube he had another gentleman admirer, this one had a nice little cap. I don't know how he does it.

Then we went to an art thing, then for dinner at Giraffe on the South Bank, Then the BFI IMAX to see The Dark Knight (awesome) then back to bed. More details of these adventures (the movie and such, not the bed) in my fist ever video-blog, available for viewing now at the following address:

Thursday night was Katherine's Birthday, another pizza (also good), some drinking and ice play down good old Weatherspoons, where I was to be spotted again on Friday!!

Sunday 15 February 2009

With apologies to...

Well, blog number 3, and I've already missed a day. Before I begin with news of the last couple of days, some apologies.

Firstly to Dave, sorry for calling you a miserable cock with a lighting hang-up. Really you are a cool dude. Secondly to David, he wished me to point out that after I beat him by one point, he came back to destroy me 14-0. Also, apologies again to David, for apparently having a miserable and depressing blog. I'll try harder to fill it with cheer from now on. AND, apologies again to David, for ditching on him last night.

Valentines Day yesterday, so I went to an "anti-valentines" gathering (not a party, as I was promised) at Kaiya's. I can't spell her name, and neither can this spell checker. She changes old people's nappies now, and Hazel works everywhere. Emma awoke to a rose and flowers at the door, only to hilariously discover that they were not from her boyfriend Rob, and I found out that Sam Rotham (sp?) from school, who I haven't seen since I was 17, has a 5 year old girl!! We watched some Boosh series 3, which isn't as good as 1 and 2, but still quite a fine show there sir. Everyone loves Vince, and I do too, but I'm also quite partial to the yin to Vince's yang, Howard Moon - writer, poet, man of the wilderness, Arctic explorer, jazz musician, zoo-keeper, shop keeper, bin-man, boxer, actor etc. Howard rocks, as does Tony Harrison.

The day before, that being Friday, I went to the pub with David, Shona and Heather. Dave(id) and I considered the option of "going nuclear," while Heather and Shona giggled, whispered, cuddled and poked. Not sure why, but that's what they do. Missed Jonathon Ross - gutted. It was the Bell this time, continuing our tour of local drinking establishments, which has now taken us to the Windsor, the Anchor, and the Bell. Not exactly a comprehensive tour I know, but we try. No we don't.

So far today the parents and myself have played in a scale model/sand-pit of the garden, trying to decide what it would look like. Raisin Splits boxes (Sainsbury's own - purple box) are the flower beds, and cardboard in paving. Pity the sand isn't green (for grass) but you can't have everything. The cool part is that we are going to hire a digger, and that will be awesome. Phil McPherson - JCB Operator.

Oh, and you'll all be glad to know that I got some more lyrics written for (working titles again) Good Times and Groove #1, and have probably got the riff I needed for Bendy Immigrants. Didn't go for a harmony in the end (complicated aren't they), but a sort of blues style double-stop and bend ascending pattern. In other words, I wrote a lick, then just repeated it going up the neck because I couldn't think of anything else, but that doesn't sound as technical or as impressive.


Friday 13 February 2009

The plan slowly falls...

Well, one of us involved in the planed London trip, and it isn't Chris, doesn't fancy Bodyworks. It will be badly lit apparently. Cock. He doesn't have any ideas himself, just doesn't like ours. Maybe we'll go without him. Also, my hopes that someone would join me in going to the Stone Gods concert (The Darkness spin-off) have been dashed, so I'll be rockin' out alone, again. Ordered my ticket yesterday, £13.50 - reasonable, after all the crap from Ticketmaster, £20. Can you believe it? The last gig i went to was the Sex Pistols in November '07. I never go to gigs anymore, partially because the are expensive, but also because I'm getting bored of going alone. Matt used to go with me sometimes, but as discussed in the last entry, I seldom see him. I might go to Hot Leg (the other half of The Darkness) too, but may not. Don't know why I've got all this sudden interest in what The Darkness did next, I was never really that into them. Christmas Time (Don't let the bells end) was an absolute classic though. One day I hope to write a Christmas hit.

Squash last night, I managed to win one game, by one point, but it went downhill after that. I developed a stomach ache, and got a bit bloated. Chili for supper. Still, was good, I am very slowly improving I think, I'm even going to buy a racket. After squash there was the possibility of the pub, but that didn't materialise. That was OK though, as it gave me the chance to catch up on the latest episode of Lost, as well as the "gay" episode of the fan film series, Star Trek Phase II (formally New Voyages). It was good, not as good as the previous episode though, World Enough, and Time. The problem with the show, and strangely for a low budget non-profit fan production, is that the production values are actually much better than the majority of the acting.

Today's plans include the gym (hamstrings, calves, cardio and core today - an unusual combination I know, it's like the leftovers from the rest of the week), some guitar playing (a couple of my songs could really do with some lyrics, Good Times, NWOBHM and Bendy Immigrants (working titles) in particular. Bendy Immigrants also needs a single note melody section of some sort, perhaps a harmony), and the book I'm writing needs some work. I'm trying to write at least 1000 words a day, which isn't much but for me its a realistic target I normally meet. Recently I have started jumping around a lot as a write, not literally - that would be silly, but writing a chapter from this section, then one that will eventually come eight chapters later. Hopefully it won't get too disjointed, as I have a novel plan, a basic timeline that I slot the chapters I write into.

The inside (and outside for that matter) of the car also needs washed, but it's cold so I wouldn't be surprised if that never happens. Talking (writing) of the weather, it snowed a bit last night, even started to settle, but then it stopped. I was so disappointed, even though I knew it would be so, as the weather told me. Bit windy today. It's rubbish, because I really like the great outside, but in this cold weather its just miserable, the only benefit is that I don't have to wear sun cream. I can't remember where to put the ' in it's, so sorry if it's (there we go) in the wrong place. I think it's only when it's short for "it is", but it could be the other way round. Anyway, winter is crap. I'm so looking forward to summer, not that I did anything much last summer, when to Croatia which was nice, but the summer before I did stuff. Get my shorts on and hit the beach, that's what I want to do, and play tennis in the midday sun - foolish, but something really awesome about it. The sun, not being thrashed by my sister.

Well, hopefully some sort of social event will materialise for the weekend, got work tomorrow so at least that'll be some money.


Thursday 12 February 2009

Blog the first

Currently, I'm trying to galvanise my friends into actually doing something. The boys that is, the girls are far more willing to socialise. Granted we all live in different places now, but you'd think two months would be enough notice to get something good organised. Nooooo. So, out of a possible seven or eight, the Big Weekend (27th and 28th February) has three confirmed, and one possible. This number includes me. Useless bums.

We're thinking of going to Body Works at the O2, see all the cut up people and such, and Chris has talked us into going to see some band that a friend of his is in. I haven't bothered checking out their myspace, as if they are shit I won't be looking forward to going. Only £6 anyway. Then he wants us to go to some politics things. I wouldn't mind that, but not sure about Dave, so we'll see.

In other social new, Dave and I are off to see the Dark Knight in the IMAX, as it has been re released. That's this coming Tuesday, so quite excited about that. I haven't been to an IMAX for years and years, and then it was just some nature film.

Lastly in the category of upcoming events, thinking of going to The Stone Gods in London, but I think I'll be alone for that one, as my only friend with any real rock credentials is away at uni doing his final projects etc. and when he is around he is under the tight thumb of the woman.

Later today I'm playing squash with Dave (another Dave, we'll call him David), he beats me all the time. Granted I've only played five times now, but the last was with dad, who is not a bad player, so hopefully I'll do a bit of ass-whoopin' myself today. David has some of the rules wrong anyway.

Weekly squash dates. What an adult. Squash of all sports. A dad's sport. I like it though. Really I'd like to be getting good at tennis, but can't really do that in the winter if you can't afford to join a club with indoor courts, but hopefully the squash will help.

Off to the gym soon, with along with Rock n Roll is my true passion. My gym's full of oldies though, but hey, better than nothing.
