Wednesday 18 March 2009

St. Patrick's, Bruce Lee, and the Saxon Side Bend??

St. Patrick's Day yesterday!! And being a Scott, that is of course a very important day. Well perhaps not, but as good an excuse as any. The girls wanted Irish drinks, but the Landlord got a little touchy, pointing out that we were in an ENGLISH pub (despite the live Irish band and all the green stuff everywhere), "The Olde Windsor Castle" he humourlessly reminded us. My observation that the Windsor's were German was not well received. Though the Irish bar man agreed with me. Anyway, good times were had by all.

Today I watched Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon on Blu-ray. It arrived from Love Film yesterday. Our first delivery - not really one of the ones we were hoping for, but I'm actually quite happy now. Made a refreshing change from the norm. An island full of martial arts students standing in grids punching the air. No wonder Lee and his American friend managed to whoop all their asses at one time. Useless. As were all the other bad-guys. The black Afro dude was an awesome fighter, then suddenly when the big boss fights him, he has to become shit because the script says he looses. Same with Bruce Lee. He was fighting so much better until he was up against Edward Scissor hand.

The underground layer was very old school James Bond meets Star Trek, caves with cement walls and studio floors, mysterious water tanks, henchmen in matching jump-suits. Still, it was awesome. All the terrible dubbing, shoddy sets, dodgy acting, and below par martial arts cannot change that. All we need now is a remake starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. No not really.

With the weather having been so brilliant today i didn't go to the gym (shock horror). I couldn't bare to be locked up inside when the sun was so bright. I tried to work on my Graphic Novel idea, and I got some stuff down, but am still at the skeleton phase when it comes to the story.

As I skipped the gym, in the evening I retired to my attic room to get the blood moving. I was determined to try some new exercises, the execution of which I am not particularly versed in, so wouldn't want to look a fool trying out in public. Stuck on the old Micky J DVD, some quality music videos there. Not normally a music video fan - bands miming, house parties etc, but Michael's often have a cool story like a movie, especially the extended versions on the DVD. Beat It is a particular favourite of mine. The video fits the music and the lyrics, the dance is Incorporated into the story and the fight, and there are some proper characters going on there. The full 18 minute Martian Scorsese directed Bad video is quite nicely done too - especially the first 5 minutes. Westley Snipes is in it too.

But back to the work-out.

First up, the Turkish Get-up. Normally performed with a Kettlebell, but do-able with a dumbbell. I have discovered I did it a little wrong, not bad. It's a weird one, you start lying on the floor with the bell extended above you, then you get up, and then lie down again.

Then the Bent Press. Start with the dumbbell or barbell or kettlebell (I used a barbell) in one hand at your shoulder, then get under it while straightening your arm, then stand up straight. Another odd one, but I liked it.

Then I gave the Saxon Side Bends a spin. Quite hard. Hold dumbbells above your head, and bend from side to side -sounds easy, but a good oblique burn.

Suitcase dead lifts next, with a barbell, then finished off with some leg raises and a quick go on the punching bag. All in all a good and different work-out. Must do more weird ones like that.