Wednesday 29 April 2009

3D jumping mice with trumpets and little drums

Saw a FREE(!) advance screening of the new 3D stop-motion (with some CG) film Coraline. We did have to go to Crawley though...

It's a creepy little tale about "other mothers" and secret doorways to another world where things at first seem better, but guess what? They are not. Based on a book by famed comic writer Neil Gaiman, it will scare the young ones, indeed, we even hear one little 'um tell their mum they didn't like a bit, but hey, kids need some fear these days. Oh and don't forget scooping your eyes out and sewing buttons onto your face instead. Good times.

So go see it, there are lots of colours and cool stuff, but make sure you get to a 3D theatre, cus it's better that way. I'm not ever a huge fan of 3D, I often feel that instead of drawing you further into the film it throws you out. This film almost manages to do it right. There are some pop out of the screen moments that annoy me, as the 3Dness works best with more subtle shots, the multiple distance reflections in the computer screen was amazing, as were the rain drops on the window. If this movie is anything to go by, its possible, just, that one day 3D will no longer be a cinematic gimmick, but something is actually used often, and used well to further the telling of the story, not just for wow factor.

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