Thursday 23 April 2009

New Blog, Original Parts

What do you say when I say Vin Diesel? You say a big bald head and a car. And that's what Halletto and myself were treated to when we saw Fast and Furious, the fourth (Though chronologically third?) in the Fast and the Furious franchise.

Luckily they killed off the one who also got killed off from LOST in the first ten minutes, and Dizil and Walker go in search of her killer. Bad graphics? Check. Poor acting and dialogue? Check. Girl on girl action round every corner? Check. Fucking awesome then? Check. Nuff said.

Got The League of Extraordinary Gentleman Vol. 2 the other day, and what can you say? Alan Moore is the man. Introducing his "found" characters to the martian invasion from H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds. That and some big talking animals that look like Rupert the bear. Look out carefully and you can see two foxes ripping Peter Rabbit apart. Not quite as good as the first Vol. but still well worth a read. There's boobs in it too.

Waxed the car today.

Oh, forgot, saw Old Boy the other day. Fucked up Korean shit. If you haven't seen it and plan on seeing it, I hope you like incest. Was it as good as the hype? No. Still good, really liked the first half and the climax, but it was far longer than it needed to be - a curse affecting many movies these days. I blame The Lord of the Rings, which I have recently realised is not actually that good. Fucking Peter Jackson. Has anyone sat all the way though his piss poor remake of King Kong? There is no way that story can take up that amount of time. Half hour special is about all that story needs. Not that I'm dissing it - the basic story - but its no Beowulf. Not that anyone's done that properly yet either. When a sci-fi Christopher Lambert straight to DVD affair is a miles better version than a Hollywood tent pole you know you have cursed story. There's another one coming out this summer, called Outsider or Outlander or something, the one review I have read was positive, but I'm certainly not holding my breath.

Keep it Rizzil.

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